Inspirational Life Stories Series — Telos Center

Inspirational Life Stories Series

God creates inspirational life stories for the world around to taste of his transformative work in people's hearts and lives. Traditionally, these are considered Christian testimonies, and a testimony is one confessing and testifying to the truth of God and their trust in him. We can find God working good in the world and anything good in the world is to be attributed to him and not humanity as God is the beginning and end of all goodness.

Meaning, he provides goodness in order for people to be redirected and end up trusting him as the source of all good, especially the good news of Christ Jesus -- the gospel. Thought evil exists, God did not create evil and is not evil though he will use evil for his good, and the greatest and historical example of that is through the person and work of Jesus -- the epicenter of life, the world, scripture, and our life. Therefore, we are not good -- he is. These life stories have been inspired by and testify of this truth and love that works good in the world for all to hear, see, and taste of God and his goodness.