
Christian friends who fear the Lord and train people in truth and love.

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge ...
— Solomon, Proverbs 1:7
He who walks with the wise grows wise.
— Solomon, Proverbs 13:20
... the sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel.
— Solomon, Proverbs 27:9
  1. Nathan G. - Heart and Vision*
  2. Eric V.P.  - Churches and Pastors*
  3. Duke H. - Pastoral Care, Counsel and Support*
  4. Eric Z. - Global mission and seminary training*
  5. Chad C. - Missional business*
  6. Dave K. - Servant-leadership and Christian education*
  7. Brad G. Jr. - Christian schools, Athletics and Character*
  8. Frank M. - Doctrine, discipleship and teaching
  9. TBD - Life stewardship and property
  10. TBD - Accounting, History and Loving the City

*advising board