
Telos Homes is a life context for training in truth and love for people to be inspired to make life, disciples, and churches all about Jesus. The gist is taking God's two overall commandments seriously to love him and your neighbor (including one's physical neighborhood neighbor) in reality, rhythmically, and relationally.

We know that want centers our heart also aims our life (even lifestyle), and as we become trained to live even within a home context (good, bad, or ugly - developed or developing world), we learn to align and prioritize life according to what centers our heart. We will align life and walk through life according to our core values and beliefs. God has called all humanity to trust in him and him alone, which changes our values, desires, and lifestyle. We live for him because he's more important than life itself, regardless of property value or the people around us. We work through this life filled with brokenness and evil discovering a God who's truthful and loving and being a humbled people to be on his mission in the world to make him known to neighbors, including neighborhoods. Therefore, if God centers our heart, then we learn to live wisely aimed according to him and the world he's created.

What then, or who, centers our heart? Is it our family? Type of neighborhood and 'keeping up with the Jones'? Need for equity and property value? Fear of homelessness or failure? Comfort in success or dwelling in suffering? Desire to hide and conceal in order to do evil like abuse to people? Political posturing or seeking power to behaviorally control and profit off of people? Profit from development, architecture, and construction? The list goes on and the list of issues is even greater. When anything except for God centers our heart, we have what we see today!

People claim we are better than our past, as if we have 'evolved' throughout history into a better contemporary species. Not so! I don't know how someone can honestly say that when merely living and experiencing this life for a few minutes. There's 'nothing new under the sun' as Solomon states a few thousand years ago. We don't need the world to be broken to know God exists, but a broken world certainly reveals humanity fighting against the God who does exist. Therefore, it's always time to repent and learn what God wants for us all in this life, which is to be satisfied in him and him alone, treasuring the gospel of Christ in our hearts and our lives characterized by his works in us for others to taste of his goodness and glory -- including our homes.

'Homes' refers to the life context of where one sleeps and generally functions beyond work beyond the home. Homes then includes various property types like houses, condos, townhomes, apartments, and even village huts. Homes is an environment in which there typically are physical neighbors a short or long distance away as well as context for opportunities to show hospitality, even to strangers and those in need. Hospitality is a characteristic of someone's heart and life which includes the home life along with the other parts of life.


We want to then ensure people are trained in truth and love that affects their heart and home life. We want to see people living for Christ in real life, inspired by the gospel to relationally love the people in their life. We want to see the integration of 'church' and home life be restored and renewed. We want people to understand the healthy definition of 'religion' as one who lives according to their beliefs -- in real life -- not merely something done on a Sunday. Christians then see Christ as more valuable than life itself and grow in maturity and wisdom in life to love God and others. Therefore, we want these relationships to spawn and spread among churches and neighborhoods -- locally and globally.


  1. Be a pastor who trains people as part of the 'noble task' of pastoring as Paul mentions in 1 Timothy 3.

  2. Train and apprentice singles and families during a specified time frame and on a consistent basis.

  3. Integrate training into educational curricula and systems.

  4. Be trained in your home context along with a Telos Church(es) community.

  5. Be trained in a Telos Home rental along with a Telos Church(es) community.

  6. Be trained in financial planning and purchasing of an American or international home.

  7. Donate a house, condo, or property to be used for Telos Church(es) or Telos Homes.

  8. Financially support the purchasing of rentals and training homes.


We initiated this several years ago and now have finally made headway in 2017. We are adding another Telos pastor along with Pastor Nate in the Sacramento, CA area. We have already through teaching and conversational counsel been training people the last several years in the Sacramento, CA region. We would now like to expand this and begin talking with Christians that would like to use or donate their rentals or financial investment for Telos Homes. We would also like to see other pastors and churches begin or at least be affirmed and encouraged, to train people in truth and love for people to make life, disciples, and churches all about Jesus (vs. themselves, an organization, property value, etc.). We would like to build a pathway forward in integrating financial and home life training among churches and educational systems and apprenticeships, like Christian private schools and Christian families already living this out.


Use the below contact form for the following:

  1. Talk with the Telos team about the above opportunities and timeline.

  2. Schedule an appointment to talk through wisdom and details in truthfully, lovingly, and wisely purchasing or selling a house or other property type and living in areas in the:

    • U.S. Sacramento, CA market with the Vogt Real Estate Group.

    • U.S. national and international market with Sam Neylan NeylanGroup.com.
