Inspirational Teachers - Dr. Chisholm Jr.

From the Inspirational Teacher's series:

Dr. Chisholm Jr., Department Chair and Professor of Old Testament at Dallas Theological Seminary, pulsates passion for God. He loves for students to grasp God by seeing him through the Old Testament, as it lays the sure foundation for the coming Messiah Jesus read in the New Testament. Dr. Chisholm teaches steadily, poignantly, and clearly in the classroom while continuing in his love for people outside the classroom and into the city. 

He greets a learning student's mind with a deep sense of awe of the Hebrew language, and his comprehension would take lifetimes for many to learn. He instructs pastors, leaders, and disciplers to yearn for God's word by being true to the text and context in order for others to clearly grasp what God has revealed. He loves sports, teaching, students, family, local church, and Jesus. His smile leaves students with the feeling of joy that we are to have in knowing God's word, and more importantly, God himself. Thank you Dr. Chisholm for your teaching, laughter, and smile!

Here's the Q and A:

  1. What inspired you to teach?
    I wouldn't say I was “inspired” to teach. My decision to become a teacher was based on two factors: the joy I experienced when explaining God's word to others and the realization, through feedback from others, that God has gifted me to teach.
  2. Why do you teach the way you teach?
    I think all teachers, for better or for worse, are influenced by their own teachers. I like the lecture/discussion method because I think it is the most effective way to help others learn.
  3. What teacher has had the greatest influence on you (parent, elementary teacher, pastor, professor, friend, colleague, etc.)? 
    See answer in #4 question below.
  4. Why was the teacher so influential?
    I've had so many good teachers, it's hard to narrow it down. Jim Battenfield, who taught me Hebrew at Grace Seminary, was a great language teacher. He made concepts clear and memorable, effectively used repetition (the mother of all learning), and encouraged me to pursue Old Testament studies.