Training Contexts
- Telos Network (training coordinated and supported by Christian friends and vision implementers to inspire others)
- Telos Churches (training, placing and resourcing pastors and church communities)
- Telos Education (training through academy, athletics, university and seminary)
- Telos Work (training with real time internships, customer service, organization, planning)
- Telos Finances (training in financial planning for students, families, and individuals)
- Telos Homes (training hospitality, neighboring and life generosity)
- Telos Notes (training authors and readers to 'nota bene,' (note well), of the primary text - the Bible)
- Telos Media (training via website content and administration and aggregate resources for music, film, and books)
- Telos Property (training area and locale with multipurpose, economical and viable planning)
- Telos Fund (training with financial resources to last generations for ongoing, multiplying, and faithful work)
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“Teach to train, train to trust”