Financial giving methods and instructions below at the end.
Join today and together!
Read below of what the excited network of generous people are actively working towards to train people in truth and love. Join the network of supporting friends and churches, and together, we let financial stewardship be one of countless examples for others to learn and follow that what centers our heart, aims our life. And when our heart's epicenter is the gospel of Christ Jesus, our lives truthfully love and his good news spreads to make and train disciples of him. Hence we train people in truth and love to be inspired to make life, disciples, and churches all about Jesus.
“As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life. - 1 Timothy 6:17–19 ESV”
Supporters then are people who have been inspired and working to see others inspired by God from the reality and rhythms of life. These people are friends, family, and churches unleashing generosity from a heart trained to trust him and a life wisely active to love him and others. Their interests are aligned to his purposes and mission, and they financially give because it's a part of a whole affect God has had on their life (c.f. Philippians 2:1-11). These people have become a network of unashamed supporters for the gospel, setting a modern-day example for a generation to follow, and prayerfully intent to see a generation multiply "from faith for faith" (c.f. Romans 1:16-17).
God has always called his people to live and give for his sake and purposes, which reveals that our hearts fear the Lord where wisdom becomes more valuable than money -- allowing our hearts to be stewards of his will and possessions. We want givers to be and grow in that wisdom, so that our hearts are with the gospel of Christ to love and train people.
From this heart, wisdom, and life -- financially give.
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also ... You cannot serve God and money.”
Monthly Core Supports
Telos Network (training coordinated and supported by Christian friends and vision implementers to extend and inspire others)
Telos Churches (training, placing and resourcing pastors and church communities)
Telos Education (training through academy, athletics, university and seminary)
Telos Work (training with real time internships, customer service, organization, planning)
Telos Finances (training in financial planning for students, families, and individuals)
Telos Homes (training hospitality, neighboring and life generosity)
Telos Notes (training authors and readers to 'nota bene,' (note well), of the primary text - the Bible)
Telos Media (training via website content and administration and aggregate resources for music, film, and books)
Telos Property (training area and locale with multipurpose, economical and viable planning)
Telos Fund (training with financial resources to last generations for ongoing, multiplying, and faithful work)
Giving Methods
Use any of the below giving methods, where most use the online giving format which helps reduce administrative costs and helps financial oversight.
Financially give as a 'guest' account or 'create/sign up' a secure account that shows giving history to download statements and editing information later on. We recommend creating an account.
One-time or recurring donations are available with mostly everyone intentionally using 'recurring' to ensure time periods are not missed helping us wisely budget like an individual family would according to scripture. Some use one-time donations in addition to their recurring during seasonal financial highs like holiday bonuses or commissions.
Check option available with instructions below.
Real estate option is being looked into while we are preparing Telos Homes training contexts. Notify us if you would like to donate property or sell property with the proceeds going to training people.
Life Insurance option is a long-term method that some use placing 'Telos Center' as a beneficiary. We recommend ensuring one's family is taking care of first when budgeting the percentages for beneficiaries and then wisely set an amount. Notify us if you intend on doing so to ensure the right paper work is filed.
Year-end statements are emailed by January each year for tax or budgeting purposes.
“Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding, for the gain from her is better than gain from silver and her profit better than gold.”
Join the Monthly Core
Subject Line: Telos Center
Mail to:
Telos Center
301 W. Whyte Ave.
Roseville, CA 95678
Below form or external link by clicking this button:
Receipts: Every online giving transaction from the below form emails a receipt confirmation, which also contains reminder and login links. For example, if you had chosen to give monthly, then every time the monthly giving transaction occurs, you will receive an email receipt automatically of the amount and related information.
Recommended: We recommend clicking “Sign In” tab in the below form to either login to your current account to edit or “Register an Account” to allow you access and ability to edit whenever you want.
Online Giving Account: Allows you to edit one-time or recurring, along with adjusting recurring to be in different time periods like weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, annually, etc. The online account also provides access to your giving history.