Welcome — Telos Center


Welcome to Telos Center, training resource for people to live differently in the world!

And when we are trained in truth and love, we become an inspired people learning that what finishes/completes/creates/centers/affects/inspires our hearts also then aims and aligns our life. We then learned to live inspired by what is truthful and loving. Therefore, we want to train people in truth and love, revealing what is to be the ‘telos’ of our life — God.

There’s seemingly endless versions of ‘God’ and many today believe in no ‘God’ (like many in history). An author thousands of years ago once said, “There’s nothing new under the sun” and that stands true today. No matter the versions or denials of ‘God,’ we are inspired (deeply affected to live) by God. He then is our telos, one who is always inspiring, revealing, directing, guiding, counseling, informing, engaging, transforming, renewing, correcting, helping, encouraging, comforting, giving, pruning, and loving. If we are a teachable people, willing to listen and learn, we will truly come to trust in him — the epicenter of humanity, history, and hearts.

Therefore, Telos Center exists because he does, to train people in truth and love to make life all about him. Learn below about inspiration and what brought together Telos Center.

  1. Read below about Telos Center.

  2. Email subscribe.

  3. Join the Telos Network of supporting friends and churches.

  4. RSS subscribe to the various website blogs and resources.

  5. Become a pastor.

  6. Become an educator (coming Fall 2020).

  7. Become an investor, realtor, or referral for Telos Homes.

  8. Become a Telos Church.