Team — Telos Center
                                           Nate & AbbyNate and Abby have been married for ten years and have five children together. Th…

                                           Nate & Abby
Nate and Abby have been married for ten years and have five children together. They have an undeniable vision to see the Gospel of Christ go out into the world, and their hearts beat for Sacramento. Both having grown up in Northern California, they long to see those in their hometown affected by Christ's love. Nate has experience in church leadership and as a school teacher, both of which come into play in the birth of Telos Center. Abby hopes to be involved in Telos Education, and in raising their kids to love God and love others. 

Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.
— Solomon, Proverbs 27:17
              Matt & MelodyMatt and Melody are married with 4 kids. Matt graduated from Grace College and Seminary to then pastor a couple years in the midwest. God led them to Melody's home north of Sacramento…

              Matt & Melody

Matt and Melody are married with 4 kids. Matt graduated from Grace College and Seminary to then pastor a couple years in the midwest. God led them to Melody's home north of Sacramento for Melody to teach French in a Christian school and for Matt to pursue opportunities to pastor. They want to see the gospel transform and aim people to love God and one another in real life. They are transitioning into the team with Matt planning on pastoring with Telos Church(es).

... your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.
— Paul, 1 Thessalonians 1:3
Two are better than one, because they have good return for their work. If one falls down, his friend can help him up.
— Solomon, Ecclesiastes 4:9
                                            KelsyKelsy is currently working as a school teacher in the Sacramento area, and loves to be inv…

Kelsy is currently working as a school teacher in the Sacramento area, and loves to be involved with youth. She is a foster parent and a dedicated friend and worker. She coordinates and helps in every area of Telos Center and community with Telos Church.

A righteous man is cautious in friendship ...
— Solomon, Proverbs 12:26