A small group of people have come together years ago to support us, Nate and Abby, to be a family on mission to plant the gospel in making and training disciples of Christ in the Sacramento, CA region. Along with our supporting friends, we wanted to see the gospel as a seed planted in the hearts of receptive, repentant people whom would also come together locally as church communities. I wanted to ensure that when people came together that they did so with a shared, gospel-centered heart that aimed them in real life vs. merely attending 'another' Sunday church service or 'involved in the next cool church plant'.
I wanted to ensure we identify what God calls and commands for life, not merely something for us or a church thing, and through what was identified, we would see something unique happen that current Christians and churches around would be equally encouraged and multiply by. Some might not understand how this works out or how it's different than what's been happening in the past 50-75 years of American, Christian, evangelical history, but we trust that over time, for some and hopefully many, it becomes clear.
From looking through history and the Bible, it's clear that God affects the heart to guide, transform, and renew one's life to follow him, and in doing so, others would taste of God's work and entrust themselves to him and his good news to the world. Christ becomes clear. It becomes clear that he truly is the epicenter to life and worthy to follow -- from the heart out. We want that for us and others. We want people to be trained to trust him with the entirety of their lives and not be trained to be about themselves or others. Therefore, we, along with the now growing network of supporters, have come together to ensure that people are trained in this truth and love in real life. It is by this God multiplies and spreads the gospel, through a people trained to trust him with the entirety of their life (c.f. Genesis 3:15; Mark 4:1-20; John 14:1-6; Matthew 28:11-18; Acts 1:1-11; Revelation 1:1-8). And when needed, he spreads the gospel in spite of anyone to ensure he directs and declares his will and purposes.
As such, we would all, together, and biblically be God's church in real life -- people inspired by truth and love to make life, disciples, and churches all about Jesus.
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