Todd Bolen, owner and author of the incredible and exhaustive pictorial library called Bible Places is a Christian friend, classmate at Dallas Theological Seminary, and now associate professor at The Master's College (now University). He has lived and taught in Israel while taking, collecting, and organizing these great pictures, including all the extended versions of places beyond Israel. He has produced this massive collection of quality images of Bible places for others to use in teaching, sharing, studying, and explaining the Bible in a visual and accurate way.
These resources are invaluable and incredibly helpful for teachers of the Bible, including pastors, professors, Bible study leaders, and even parents. View, download, and use the 18 free Bible Places pictures (like the samples below) to share and use as a great example of the vast pictorial library. " features photographs and descriptions of sites in Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey and Greece with an emphasis on biblical archaeology, geography and history." Follow Bibles Places on Twitter, as Todd provides an incredible stream of area, archaeological, and artifact findings that correlate to history and the Bible.
The Island of Patmos where the Apostle John, read about in the Bible's New Testament, was exiled.
Dead Sea which is vast, beautiful, and incredibly salty.
Rome's ancient colleseum
The area and location of Mt. Gilboa regarding the Bible's Old Testament story of Saul and his three sons death.
Old Testament life-like example of Israel's Tabernacle, which means tent or to dwell. God dwelt among his people for the world to know and trust him.
Shepherd with his sheep, especially holding one close as Christ Jesus is described in the Bible as the Chief Shepherd to the world.