Anchored North

Life: Does God Love Transgender People? by Anchored North


The interview might make some extremely uncomfortable however regardless of the topic in life, it needs to be addressed especially how God addresses it naturally and spiritually with his word and the Gospel. The gal on the left used to be transgender and has since learned what God wanted for her life and the interview is sharing that, especially what she says at the end (c.f. minute 23:33).

Anchored North Description

“A trans person/social entrepreneur and an ex-trans person/Christian came together to see if they could discuss the transgender experience and spirituality with authenticity, love, and truthfulness. Can they overcome the stigma and speak to one another with understanding?“

Life: From Growing Up Christian, to New Age, to $40,000 Business Monthly Revenue, to Jesus by Anchored North


Steven shares how he grew up in the church, attending a Christian school, doubting, pursuing new age beliefs including aliens, spirituality, universalism, and repenting to trust in Christ with his life and living through the ramifications.

Anchored North Description:

In high school, Steven Bancarz became obsessively curious about New Age spirituality. It wasn’t long before he was immersed in practicing meditation, lucid dreaming, and astral projection. His consciousness was awakening unlike ever before. To help others find enlightenment, he built a website called Spirit Science and Metaphysics. The platform was a huge success, and it earned him an average of $40,000 per month in ad revenue. Suddenly, he had the most profound spiritual encounter imaginable. In this beautiful and terrifying moment, he finally gained true knowledge about people, God, human emotions, and himself.

Life: Emily's Testimony of Living a Lesbian Lifestyle

Life: Emily's Testimony of Living a Lesbian Lifestyle

Anchored North has published another video testimony (among their others) in which these videos help summarize and explain what truth and love does to humanity through and by God, his design, and purposes -- especially by the gospel and his word, the Bible. Here are a few lines from the video testimony as Emily shares about her life as a 'teenager' (15) as well as homosexual, lesbian lifestyle for 7 years including engagement to another gal with 2 kids:

"I Forgave My Rapist"

"I Forgave My Rapist"

Watch and listen to Anchored North's video interview of the to the incredible life story of this young woman who was lured in through a stranger's social media message to later, on the second date, raper and impregnate her. Instead of aborting in the midst of recovering from this man's evil, she rested and became resolved the truth and love of Christ that changed her life. God's word is powerful and longer lasting than evil's impact on and in this world.

"Homosexuality Was My Identity"

"Homosexuality Was My Identity"


Watch and listen to the Anchored North's video interview of the incredible life story change of one man's whole life identity of Homosexuality and all that was connected to it like being part of the LGBT community and the Hollywood scene. The change came from a different truth and love he had not heard growing up and didn't care to know, content and fighting to love his life. Starting from elementary school, becoming open to a friend as a high school junior, led to dating and in college his lifestyle of homosexuality became a his "core identity."

He testifies to the truth and love of Christ being what changed him from seeing the world in a different light, through the proverbial light of the gospel that shines brightly though sometimes appearing dimly in a dark world and dark hearts. God intervened, opened his eyes to see, his heart to trust, and surrender his life wholly to the Lord.

"I Had No Idea What Life Was All About"

"I Had No Idea What Life Was All About"

Watch the incredible life story of this couple, testifying that Jesus is real, true, forgiving, and redemptive having revealed to them the brokenness of the world, the sin of being separated from him, the sinful choices they made like that of murdering their 3 unborn babies, onslaught of confusion about life, redefining truth and love, and discovering reconciliation. 

The litany of questions create chaos in the mind like: How do you "atone" for this? Is this okay? What really is love? Fear and worry bring heaviness and conversations lead to redefining truth and love to get what we want like convenience, "If you love me enough, you will take me [relationship and abortion]. I will do this with or without you."