Grace To You Description
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Dr. Voddie Baucham brings our first detailed message by defining what “social justice” is by the definitions provided by the adherents of the movement. Dr. Baucham then provides a polemic from an orthodox Christian understanding of justice.
This presentation was given on January 16, 2019 at the Sovereign Nations 'Social Justice & The Gospel' Conference in Atlanta, Georgia preceding the G3 Conference. For more sessions, visit
Ethnic Gnosticism is a term crafted by Voddie Baucham to explain the phenomenon of people believing that somehow because of ones ethnicity that one is able to know when something or someone is racist. In this sermon, Dr. Baucham sheds light on the way this ideology is undermining the gospel and compromising genuine christian relationships in the church today.
In recent years we have a growing concern about “social justice.” What is meant by that phrase, however, varies widely among those who use and promote it. What is too often missing—even in the calls for “social justice” coming from Christian leaders—is a clear understanding of biblical justice. Justice exists because God is just and righteous. He is the One who defines justice and He has revealed what true justice is in the Bible. For more resources on these topics, you can visit
This presentation was given by Dr. Voddie Baucham on January 4, 2019 at the Southeast Founders "Do Justice, Love Kindness, Walk Humbly" regional conference in Cape Coral, Florida.
Voddie Baucham has spoken of the unbiblical ideology imbedded in Cultural Marxism. In this address, he unpacks Cultural Marxism identifying how it is incompatible with the Christian faith that has once for all been delivered to the saints.
In recent years we have a growing concern about “social justice.” What is meant by that phrase, however, varies widely among those who use and promote it. What is too often missing—even in the calls for “social justice” coming from Christian leaders—is a clear understanding of biblical justice. Justice exists because God is just and righteous. He is the One who defines justice and He has revealed what true justice is in the Bible. For more resources on these topics, you can visit
This presentation was given by Voddie Baucham on January 3, 2019 at the Southeast Founders "Do Justice, Love Kindness, Walk Humbly" regional conference in Cape Coral, Florida.
Antonio Gramsci - 1900’s Italian Marxists
Balint Vazsonyi - Hungarian immigrated to America and author of the book, America’s 30 Years War: Who is Winning?
Frankfurt School - 1900’s Social Theory School
Hegemony - Term to describe how control over another happens
Karl Marx - 1800’s German philosopher, economist, etc. advocated socialistic values and socialist revolution
LAPD Rampart Division - 1960’s Police Division of the Los Angeles Police Department