Life: Emily's Testimony of Living a Lesbian Lifestyle

Life: Emily's Testimony of Living a Lesbian Lifestyle

Anchored North has published another video testimony (among their others) in which these videos help summarize and explain what truth and love does to humanity through and by God, his design, and purposes -- especially by the gospel and his word, the Bible. Here are a few lines from the video testimony as Emily shares about her life as a 'teenager' (15) as well as homosexual, lesbian lifestyle for 7 years including engagement to another gal with 2 kids:

"Homosexuality Was My Identity"

"Homosexuality Was My Identity"


Watch and listen to the Anchored North's video interview of the incredible life story change of one man's whole life identity of Homosexuality and all that was connected to it like being part of the LGBT community and the Hollywood scene. The change came from a different truth and love he had not heard growing up and didn't care to know, content and fighting to love his life. Starting from elementary school, becoming open to a friend as a high school junior, led to dating and in college his lifestyle of homosexuality became a his "core identity."

He testifies to the truth and love of Christ being what changed him from seeing the world in a different light, through the proverbial light of the gospel that shines brightly though sometimes appearing dimly in a dark world and dark hearts. God intervened, opened his eyes to see, his heart to trust, and surrender his life wholly to the Lord.