Fox News Youtube: “Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch discusses his judicial philosophy and the importance of separation of powers in his new book 'A Republic, If You Can Keep It’.“
for training in truth and love
Fox News Youtube: “Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch discusses his judicial philosophy and the importance of separation of powers in his new book 'A Republic, If You Can Keep It’.“
“Created Equal” film releases in 2020 and described as:
After a brief introduction, the documentary proceeds chronologically, combining Justice Thomas’ first person account with a rich array of historical archive material, period and original music, personal photos, and evocative recreations. Unscripted and without narration, the documentary takes the viewer through this complex and often painful life, dealing with race, faith, power, jurisprudence, and personal resilience.
Clarence Thomas was appointed as a justice on the United States Supreme Court in 1991 and is interviewed at the Harvard Law School in 2013, which includes a short question and answer time at the end for students. The interview is unique as it shares a vast amount of details in far ranging topics of Justice Thomas’ life (past and present). The “Created Equal” documentary by Justice Thomas releases in 2020:
After a brief introduction, the documentary proceeds chronologically, combining Justice Thomas’ first person account with a rich array of historical archive material, period and original music, personal photos, and evocative recreations. Unscripted and without narration, the documentary takes the viewer through this complex and often painful life, dealing with race, faith, power, jurisprudence, and personal resilience.
Justice Clarence Thomas’ interview is helpful to reveal history of his life but also the development of America in various ways. He grew up poor and in a relational “cocoon” as he describes that ensured he did not grow up responding to societal evils likewise (i.e. evil). He was not excused but rather trained up and fought for what was right, especially as he pressed into education. Throughout all the obstacles in his life, he pressed on in a direction with an unknown future and faithful to the days tasks and jobs. A lot can be gleaned from his life and the relational “cocoon,” especially his grandfather.
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