Telos Education

Education: Ruining A Nation -- A Retired Public School Teacher's Testimony [VIDEO]


The 2014 interview from the retire public school teacher (27 years) might be shocking to some as he reveals the awful conditions and behaviors of his American public school in New Jersey, but for decades (even including from the 1950’s), public schools throughout the United States have been filled with “chaos.” Some may deny the assessment based upon their public school experience being better than what has been described, however, a vast percentage genuinely will affirm “chaos” as typical or normal and now an exponential problem. There are Hollywood movies (e.g. Lean on Me) that depict bad schools, though some may think that those movies and schools are mere individual cases vs. a description of the whole.

One point in particular is the common misconception, assumption, and excuse for bad behavior of students and parents has been poverty or school choice (i.e. not being able to remove your child from a bad performing public school which can typically be in a ‘poor’ area). We certainly believe that it is an American and Biblical right for parents to choose how to train their children (including financial/taxes), but no matter the situation, this retired teacher rightly affirms that “poverty” (minute 10:40) is not the reason for disrespecting or other bad behavior.

But, the retired teacher provides a deeper and reverberating assessment (minute 12:30 and 13:03) that we are “ruining a nation!”

One can do a cursory study on American history to know that many have been poor and grew up with formed character under life pressures. The retired teacher reveals his own upbringing as “poor” and shows how that never led to anyone excusing him to act however he would want to. The video ultimately provides a helpful assessment from one of thousands of teachers and students to further understand that education or training of the next generation is critical for any nation.

More so, the importance of training children comes from God and his created natural, cyclical process to raise up children to trust him with their life and learn to live in real life according to how he wants.


Education: Seven Days in Utopia Movie


Seven Days in Utopia provides a helpful look into a wide variety of life’s aspects like family issues, sports, jobs, mentoring, failures, etc.More importantly, the movie captures the importance of God and his word for life. The movie leads to an evangelistic training resource entitled “Did he make the putt?” per the ending, and explains more about the background, book, production, scenes, and purpose. The overall purpose is to guide people away from glorifying (or damaging) themselves or this life in order to put one’s trust fully in God and the gospel.

The symbolism used in the movie of burying one’s sins can be a helpful teaching aid to understand how sin really is put to death through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection described throughout the Bible and teachings of Christianity. Symbolism always comes with caution in order for people to rightly teach or learn from it, as some mistakenly use symbolism as a consistent way of living in an attempt to “treat” their sins vs. “trust” they truly are dealt with by God through the gospel. Overall the movie kept interest for the viewers with humor as well as intensity and drama accurately describing real life. The former is when someone is always looking for aspects in life to “help” them vs. the latter truly “heals,” transforms, and matures them to follow God in real life.

Product Description

SEVEN DAYS IN UTOPIA follows the story of Luke Chisolm (Lucas Black), a talented young golfer set on making the pro tour. When his first big shot turns out to be a very public disaster, Luke escapes the pressures of the game and finds himself unexpectedly stranded in Utopia, Texas, home to eccentric rancher Johnny Crawford (Robert Duvall). But Johnny's more than meets the eye, and his profound ways of looking at life force Luke to question not only his past choices, but his direction for the future. Based on David L. Cook's best-selling book Golf's Sacred Journey: Seven Days at the Links of Utopia, SEVEN DAYS IN UTOPIA also stars Melissa Leo, Deborah Ann Woll, Brian Geraghty, Jerry Ferrera, Joseph Lyle Taylor, KJ Choi and Kathy Baker. The film is directed by Matthew Dean Russell from a script by Cook, Rob Levine, Russell and Sandra Thrift. The film was produced by Mark G. Mathis (Brick, Precious) and Jason M. Berman (The Dry Land).

Premiering in Theaters September 2nd 2011


Matt Dean Russell


Robert Duvall, Lucas Black, Melissa Leo, Deborah Ann Woll, Brian Geraghty, Kathy Baker, KJ Choi, Joseph Lyle Taylor, Madison Burge

Movie Trailer


Education: Notes from the Tilt-A-Whirl by N.D. Wilson


Notes from the Title-A-Whirl is a great teaching and discussion resource from N.D. Wilson. After he authored the book, he created a dvd formatted edition “bookumentary” that includes 3-5 minute conversational and explanatory video of him working through each chapter of the book. For some, it might feel like a mind-twister but others can find a tremendous challenge to think and believe rightly about this life. He tackles all kind of subjects and life issues like Bible, religion, science, math, biology, philosophy, etc. as well as marriage/divorce, death, friendship, etc.


All Resources by N.D. Wilson

Education: Youth sports referees quitting at record rates amid parents' bad behavior by Fox News


Here’s a sign of our cultural times revealing something is off in the hearts and lives of America — bad behavior at youth sporting events. This is merely one of countless other things that show culture’s pendulum swing of extreme behavior regarding finances, morality, beliefs, and so on.

The below news video captures a several minute introduction to the rising bad behavior and its impact even on the referees. The news anchors attempt at the end to provide helpful tips and tricks to minimize parent’s bad behavior, though it will fall short as a solution.

Parents are the sole rightful and responsible people in a child’s life to train them up, and regardless of what people believe (or not) about God, he created it that way. Parenting children is the immediate training context to work through bad beliefs and behavior before they are grown and gone from their parents. Meaning, it’s not the government, law, or sporting even policy that needs to replace the parent. Rather, parents need to change (repent). You would see a massive de-regulation, de-lawing, and de-invasion of government when parents and family related guardians train up their own children to believe and behave rightfully.

Is getting loud at a sporting event bad behavior? No. Is working through the frustrations and joys of the game bad behavior? No. The bad behavior comes from a belief that they are entitled to a specific outcome they want. And when a referee call, sports play, or situation arises that prevents the desired outcome, there’s an explosion or result of the awry belief.

We have certainly come a long way from the Roman Empire’s Colosseum days two thousand years ago where they praised and cheered for the deaths of humans (mainly gladiators and Christians). So, some fighting and screaming here and there is still not bad if you are one to compare. However, one thing is missing from both extremes. What is missing? God. There is an incredible and insatiable desire to live godless in everyday life, hence why it appears in sporting events.

Sporting events are certainly to be fun, competitive, intense, focused, loud, quiet, and even maturing as well as character building. But that comes from the context of parents already mature at work on their immature child (vs. the parents being immature). Sporting events or children are not to be the god in our life that controls us. And, our aim is not to correct bad behavior at sporting events, but understand believe what God wants for our lives. Hence why this then shows up in every area of our life, including sporting events.

Therefore, what we are really seeing is untrained and unrepentant adults training their kids to do likewise, exponentially affecting lives for generations to come in how to behave in life when things do not go their way or they don’t get their way. Instead of swinging with the pendulum, let’s cut the string and fall to a strong foundation of truth and love. The greatest affect on a generation is to be godly (i.e. what God wants).

Sporting events have many great benefits and lessons to learn, especially learning to lose and how to treat others in the midst of loss.


Education: Has Science Buried God? by John Lennox [VIDEO]


Eric Metaxas interviews (mainly at minute 6 on the video) John Lennox at the Colson Center in Washingon D.C. in summary form regarding the topic question, “Has Science Buried God?” The interview might just be best for a helpful introduction to Lennox and to discover more of what he has authored and argued, especially in debates with high profile atheist (20th-21st century version) professors and scientists. Dr. Lennox provides a lot of helpful statements and introductory level direction in how to think and find more answers. Many of the statements are also challenging modern day assumptions, decades old under-toe current, and now seemingly tsunami wave of people’s ‘anti-belief’ in God. Below the video are quotes/statements written out from the interview for reference also.

Metaxas allow 3 questions from the audience at the end, which starts about 1 hour 5 minutes that addresses: 1) Mathematical proofs; 2) Abortion; and 3) What would Lennox say before God in heaven upon death?

From Socrates in the City youtube video (1 hour 19 minutes) description:

“Host Eric Metaxas and Oxford professor John Lennox explore the question, "Has science buried God?" -- discussing the fine-tuned universe, evolution, logic, history, and more! "It's like we're an old Vaudeville team" says Metaxas, who eggs the legendary Lennox into retelling his equally legendary roast chicken anecdote. The interview was hosted by the Colson Center and took place in Washington D.C., in May 2019.“


Dr. Lennox provides statements like:

  1. “There are a myth in our culture: 1) Science is the only way to truth. 2) The position is logically incoherent … That statement (science is the only way to truth) cannot be true since it does not come from science.”

  2. “Science can bury atheism.“

  3. “It was the belief in God that drove science.”

  4. “They got the wrong concept of God.”

  5. “The more he understood of how it worked, the more he admired the genius of the God [of the Bible] who did it that way.”

  6. “There’s a mind behind what’s up there … not mindless, unguided processes.“

  7. “Our faith increases [in God when learning the world and science].“

  8. “Kids can understand but professors cannot. The scientific explanation tells you how it works. The personal explanation works also … the two explanations do not compete but compliments.”

  9. “[The why question] is an important question.”

  10. “Something came from something, not nothing.”

  11. “Science can bury atheism.“

  12. “We have been miseducated by atheists that there’s science there and there’s faith here.”

  13. “Atheism followed to its logical conclusion destroys rationality.”

  14. “The Bible is putting the finger on what is really profound.“

  15. “The universe is word based … not that the universe came from nothing and created itself.”

  16. “And God said … The idea of God speaking is such a powerful one. The Bible has been talking about it for a millennia.”

  17. “Nobody can get rid of the idea of creation. So reject God and end up with a self-creating universal and that’s a contradiction in terms … leads to nonsense.“

  18. “It is a mistake to think that only Christians are a people of faith.”

  19. “Every school in our country is a faith school.”

  20. “They don’t realize that their atheism is a belief system [don’t you believe in your atheistic beliefs].

  21. “We are people who believe in Christ, and provide why we believe what we believe.“

  22. “[Put Christianity and truth in the public space] We need a lot of courage to do that, otherwise we all will be silenced.“

  23. “Evolution only addresses when there is life and not how life came about.”

  24. “Our culture is faced of a raw choice between God and nothing.”

Topics (mentioned or addressed):

  1. Literature

  2. Theology

  3. Languages

  4. Classics

  5. God

  6. Word

  7. Universe

  8. Life

  9. Creation

  10. History

  11. Science

  12. Evolution

  13. Atheism (20th/21st century version)

  14. Galileo

  15. Kepler

  16. Christopher Hitchens

  17. Richard Dawkins

  18. Stephen Hawking

  19. Carl Sagan

  20. Peter Singer

  21. Reductionism

  22. Ontological Reductionists

  23. DNA

  24. Fine-tuning

  25. Chance, necessity, and laws of nature

  26. Abiogenesis

  27. Philosophy

  28. Physics

  29. Mathematics

  30. The Bible

  31. Biblical Revelation

  32. John’s Gospel

  33. Living Word, Jesus

  34. Isaac Newton

  35. C.S. Lewis

  36. Logic

  37. Rationale

  38. Gravity

  39. Energy

  40. Education

  41. Schools

  42. What to say at death and before the Lord Jesus Christ?

Education: Mathematical Challenges to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution with Berlinski, Meyer, and Gelernter Youtube Video by Hoover Institution


The below video by the Hoover Institution features a light-hearted but specificly detailed discussion about Darwin’s theory of evolution compared to recent scientific evidences about “functioning proteins.” Here’s the beginning of the Youtube video description:

“Based on new evidence and knowledge that functioning proteins are extremely rare, should Darwin’s theory of evolution be dismissed, dissected, developed or replaced with a theory of intelligent design? Has Darwinism really failed? Peter Robinson discusses it with David Berlinski, David Gelernter, and Stephen Meyer, who have raised doubts about Darwin’s theory in their two books and essay, respectively The Deniable Darwin, Darwin’s Doubt, and “Giving Up Darwin” (published in the Claremont Review of Books).“

Though the discussion does not end up agreeing and affirming that God is the one and only Creator to the world, the discussion does recognize the natural evidences of what God did create, regardless of people’s belief in Him or not. People may and can recognize truths and still end of not believing in Him. Christianity recognizes the connection between nature (creation) and the nature Creator.

We affirm God’s created order of instant, powerful creation through his spoken words narrated in Genesis 1 and 2 within 7 literal days and referenced throughout the remainder of the Bible as such. The math, physics, science, biology, history, geography, archaeology, philosophy, theology, biblicality, etc. add up or reveal God as existent and Creator.


Education: The Brutally Honest High School Valedictorian's Graduation Speech About the Telos of Life

Hear Kyle reference goals, relationships, purpose, priorities, generosity, etc., as he rightly learns and shares that when God is our telos, there’s ripple effects into our life related to money, relationships, education, jobs and careers, failures and successes, and so on. God is to be the epicenter of our life, as we walk and live beloved by him to love him and others in return.

And so, what a great speech with the theme of telos (goal, aim, completion) woven throughout, especially in light of real life! Maybe the only tweak to the speech is that your “launch into life” was when conceived and born, not merely at graduation! Ha! :) But, thank you for learning, and learning the correct lessons in life — especially the most important lesson in trusting your life to God through the person and work of Jesus and all of the effects that has on life like relationships, jobs, etc.

Education: The New Atheism and Christianity by Albert Mohler Jr.


Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS) chapel throughout the years contains immense amounts of helpful teaching about God, the Bible, Christianity, church, life, culture, and world issues. DTS specifically features the W. H. Griffith Thomas Memorial Lectureship during a week of chapels, normally 4 sessions for the faculty, students, and anyone tuning in online. The W. H. Griffith Thomas Memorial Lectureship tends to be a guest from outside the seminary invited in to address various topics they may have already addressed through their own life, writings, speaking, church, etc.

The Spring 2008 lectureship showcased Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr., the president of Southern Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. Dr. Mohler addressed the ‘New Atheism’ and Christianity by revealing countless authors, history, timelines, issues, culture, and scripture. Dr. Mohler presents an well articulated and accurate viewpoint of ‘New Atheism’ as well as Christianity, addressing what’s wrong and what’s right to do about it.

DTS has the video resource of the lectureship for all 4 days online as well as posted on their Youtube channel below.

1. The New Atheism And the Endgame of Secularism

2. The New Atheism and The Assault on Theism

3. The New Atheism and The Defense of Theism

4. The New Atheism and The Future of Christianity

Education: Prepare Kids for College or Life?

Education: Prepare Kids for College or Life?

In the 21st century, parents are increasingly confused on what to do with their kids, especially their future.

The confusion stems from a vortex of generational and social issues that pervade the United States, including those in Christianity, that produce parents and kids living without foundational truths and wisdom for real life. We are left watching and dealing with millions of people confused, clueless, careless, or a mix of these clawing at anything that seems helpful to their lives vs. living inspired by truth and love.

College is one of countless life issues parents and kids face throughout the last 100 years, mainly after WW2. College has become a degree machine and income producing lifestyle for administration, professors, and coaches while outside businesses and overall economy have tried using college as a direct and indirect way to narrow who to hire. Much of what college offers is the professionalized classroom version of what parents and earlier education was to have already trained in a kid throughout real life and any formal education that helped parents refine to accompany their life training.

Now kids are growing up without basic living, work, communication, and social skills with character just as absent. If college has become the solution to correct failed parenting, then we have truly erred. Overall, the experiment of training up kids to have a better life beyond college has proven unsuccessful and unhelpful by the millions. Businesses now are seeing students unsuitable to hire and the economy struggles with increasing financial debt. Relationships are being strained, people turn to immorality and hedonistic lifestyles and ultimately rejecting what is truthful and loving.

Now, anyone becoming parents have no foundational understanding of what a parent is to be let alone do or say to train up their kids. Kids are left to the governmental educational system to fund, feed, teach, counsel, and socialize them from pre-school to college (now going into graduate levels). We are outsourcing parenting and following counsel that says college is needed for life.

Is college evil? No. Is college always wrong? No. College is merely a decision that comes from wisdom. Parents merely need to train and prepare their kids, including providing sound, wise counsel for life which involves the subject of college. If not, parents are left learning from colleges on what to do with their students.

Work: Paid Educational Apprenticeships Interview by JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon

Work: Paid Educational Apprenticeships Interview by JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon

Mr. Jamie Dimon, current CEO of JPMorgan, shared many of his insights in the below CNBC video including apprenticeships. We are highlighting the video start time at the point where he specifically details the concept being launched. Regardless of the details, we affirm the concept of young adults (i.e. ‘teenagers‘) working to learn and learning to work as part of their education, especially being paid.

Is Genesis History? Historical and Scientific Documentary Contrasting Evolution and Creation

Is Genesis History? provides a timely and tremendous overview of the historical and scientific methods and evidence that clearly guides through the differences of an evolutionary vs. creationist view point. The director and featured scientists characteristically provide a kind and inquisitive approach in talking about the differences between evolution and creation. The documentary is filled with simple illustrations to in depth scientific discussion allowing for varying ages and interested people to follow. From beginning students and to tenured teachers that take these topics seriously would find this 1 hr 45 minute video helpful and a great discussionary tool.

The documentary provides a wide range of topics that one might find easily transferrable to real life conversations for classrooms or among friends like the following:

  1. life, reality, existence
  2. creation vs. evolution
  3. God, man, sin
  4. history's role and importance
  5. scientific methods and paradigms of interpretation
  6. biblical genre of poetry vs. narrative (historical)
  7. age of the universe and world
  8. dating methods
  9. rock layers (e.g. Grand Canyon)
  10. archaeology (e.g. dinosaur bones)
  11. dinosaurs and ice age
  12. universal flood (including Noah's ark)
  13. animals and ocean life
  14. cells and DNA
  15. human migration and languages
  16. geography and geology
  17. light (stars, planets, sun) and distance

Learn more about Is Genesis History? through their website:, which provides ways to rent or buy (e.g. Netflix, Youtube, Amazon, etc.). You can purchase the DVD documentary from Amazon, which contains 4 bonus video interviews averaging 15 minutes each (ice age and atmosphere; bible and church history; additional resources; and purpose of light). We've added Is Genesis History? to the Telos Center Library as well for further reviews.

Inspirational Teaching: History by David McCullough on 60 Minutes

Inspirational Teaching: History by David McCullough on 60 Minutes

David McCullough, author of several historical works, has made history readable, fun to read, memorable, and more importantly, engaging. He brings a light hearted but serious perspective to history and it's importance on the present and help for any future. Morley Safer draws much of this out of McCullough through the two interview segments, keeping viewers and listeners engaged beyond the interview and vividly envisioning the present through the lens of time.

History is for real life not a grade or factually luxury of a few. Homes and classrooms are not to be dry and dreary dungeons of facts but inspirational to see beyond ourselves to the truths of time and more so the greatest truth for all time -- the gospel of Christ -- being the epicenter of all life and subjects such as history. Sacrifice and passion will then flow forth from real humans who have learned history's wisdom and understanding as tools to love the world for God's glory.

Abortion Help and Discussion with Human Coalition Organization by DTS

Abortion Help and Discussion with Human Coalition Organization by DTS

Dallas Theological Seminary's The Table Podcast with Dr. Darrell Bock interviewing Brian Fisher with Human Coalition organization with questions ranging from how Fisher began to work with the organization to how churches can be involved in practical ways to love women and the unborn children from being aborted (killed in womb). 

Inspirational Teachers - Dr. Toussaint

Dr. Stanley Toussaint, Senior Professor Emeritus of Bible Exposition, Adjunct Professor in Bible Exposition at Dallas Theological Seminary, concretes God's word through an extraordinary classroom teaching style and learning experience. He teaches from the New Testament's original language of Greek as if he's using the normal English translation. His mastery of the text reveals the mastery of God's truth and love on his heart and life. His humble upbringing and God's humbling work in him carries over into his teaching. He adds fun and intriguing life stories that give realness to learning and application. 

Convictional Living In Society

Convictional Living In Society

In a unique moment in time and place, U.S. Congressman Trey Gowdy of South Carolina gave a convocational speech at Liberty University in March 2015 advocating for people's belief to mean something in life. Gowdy begins the message after an introduction that describes him as relational, loving, considerate, and humble. Gowdy is not speaking on behalf of the government, but he addresses real life issues from a biblical foundation combined with a government perspective on how American's dependency on the government for life issues has risen because of the steep decline of community and relationships in real life -- family, friendships, neighborhoods, towns, and cities.

Worldview Discussion on American and Global Politics

Worldview Discussion on American and Global Politics

The Master's University in Santa Clarita, CA provided a night to share how they discuss and consider American politics at the TMU Summit, "2016 Presidential Election and Current Events Summit." Jack Cox leads the discussion with lines of helpful questions many have been currently considering, and there are four interviewed including Soeren Kern, Dr. John Stead, Dr. Gregg Frazer, and Dr. John MacArthur. They provide helpful insights, discernment, and the confirmation that political vote is a means (i.e. "tool") and "not an end in and of itself."